(All times in Central for convenience)

12:37 AM: Complete first run of Medusa. Get nothing.
12:45 AM: Realize how cool and underrated Iago is.
1:16 AM: Get tired after 3 or 4 runs of nothing. Decide to go inside with a random guy named Omar.
1:38 AM: Omar leaves, so I join up with a group including my only other friend online, Clumsy Calamity.
2:30 AM: First time hitting the gold cap.
3:13 AM: Openly wonder if Kingsisle will give the prize to whoever gets the most Nemean hats...

4:02 AM: Group estimates that we've done 25 runs so far.
4:25 AM: No one anywhere appears to have gotten a Domed Pyre, and the first phase is nearly over. Give up and take a selfie with my frog.
4:37 AM: Join up with Duncan and Kat (cutest couple ever, by the way) against 3 Tysons for his Lantern Post.
4:41 AM: Get Armadillo pet on first run!

6:18 AM: After returning to Tyson for a little while longer, fatigue wins out. It was pretty foolish to expect to stay up for 36 straight hours, after all.
12:45 PM: Wake up and get back online just when Phase 3 (Solar Obelisk) is almost over. Start setting up for Phase 4.
1:30 PM: To everyone's chagrin, the next item is back in Aquila, with Zeena as the target. At least she drops some other cool stuff.
2:23 PM: Give up (again), accept that I won't win the grand prize, and wait for Phase 5 to at least have the chance at 20,000 crowns.
6:04 PM: Hurry back over to Cool Ranch and check the list of bosses who drop the Pilgrim's Campfire. Go on to do a few useless Jailhouse runs.

7:07 PM: Get momentarily excited when I find a Pilgrim's Campfire in my backpack... and then realize that I got it from Phase 2. Decide to revert to Tyson for farming.
8:12 PM: Get a Lantern Post... 12 hours too late.
9:18 PM: Mentally decide I'm done when I get a Lantern Post for the second time.
Quite frankly, the whole event was a big waste of time. The only thing of interest was that I got a neat new pet and met a couple other friendly pirates while occasionally annoying them :P. I was not destined to win, as spending 10 hours farming and then getting a Campfire and Lantern Post in the wrong phases seemed to suggest. Nevertheless, it was good to get involved in the community a little bit more; opportunities like that don't come by quite as often. Would I do it again?
Yes! Easier items! I wouldn't necessarily have a better chance of winning, but hey, it would feel pretty good to get at least one item (and not in the wrong time slot...)
Congrats to Crazy Cassidy and all the 20k crowns winners!
Happy Farming!
Hey, so you seem like a pretty cool guy, so and I had as much luck as you did with the contest. So what is your true friend code? You seem to be a guy that I am friends with, and I love your blog. Plus you remind me of someone that moved away. Anyway, I am Jaimisen, but call be Jay or James for short. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHey James! Thanks for the awesome comment (and sorry I didn't see it earlier).
ReplyDeleteFeel free to use this Pirate101 friend code. :)