Day 1: 5-hour flight, read Hunger Games the whole way, which is a great book, can't wait till I get the second. So, arrive at 9-something MTN time, forced into a huge family gathering at Uncles small house (lets call him Bob), watch people open a ton of presents, have a good time, find self nodding off, go to sleep at Midnight in hotel (which feels like 2AM EST, jet lag).
Day 2: Sleep late, watch A Christmas Story on TV and old Rose Bowls on ESPN Classic, go to other Uncles huge $Mil-dollar house (lets call him George), climb a small mountain by the house (great view) make Gingerbread houses (our group made a Tiki Bar with a drunk person throwing up outside (purple candy). The other made a church. Kinda different...), ate a fancy dinner, endless family chatter, go home tired again and fall asleep at 11-ish MTN time.
Day 3: Hotel TV watching, sad Christmas is over and, to be honest, I don't remember anything else that happened that day :P
Day 4: Go out for lunch, soon off to Uncle Bobs, watched TV there, then off on a long drive to some mountain near Tucson, many car games and chatter. Off on a 2-mile dirt road which feels like 1/2 an hour, arrive in the middle of nowhere, meet family friends. Arrive, wait for others who are murdering a duck, unload truck with chairs and stuff. Everyone is back, snacks finished, others off to murder multiple doves, I learn how to shoot a BB gun, pretty cool. Gets dark, I watch Bobs dog seek out the dead doves, who is gobbling a decapitated dove-head in the process ._. Next, its dark, very good stargazing available, family gathers to talk and eat, drive home, smells of smoke because of campfire, goes to sleep.
Day 5-8: Uncle George goes to the Alamo Bowl in Texas to eventually watch Arizona get beat up in a bowl game, me and mom get his HUGE house (woot!) to ourselves, I pig out on the endless snacks and watch huge TV for 3 days. Bowl games and Criminal Minds (creepy...), basically. Go to Bobs house on one of those days, have fun with cousins and with hyper-active dog. Today, woke up at 9 MTN (jet lag gone), off to a pit stop at a breakfast place (Cinnamon roll and sausages :D), say bye to Aunt, go through security, wait at gate for an hour, 5-hour flight (magazine and book reading), baggage claim, long Metro ride, walk home and now I've been up here for a couple hours catching up on the Wizzy blogs and watching ABC New Years thingy (I just learned Ke$ha is my least favorite singer). Popcorn, tweeting, watching, waiting, and its 2011!!! Lastly, here's what I got for Christmas...
- Wireless indoor helicopter (toy, mind you. Not very mature, but I've always wanted one xD)
- $30 Gamestop gift card and $20 Wizard101 gift card, going to pay the extra $10 for the Epic $40 Gamestop gift card soon ;)
- $10 and $20 Target/Walmart gift card (you know what I'm buying with those :D)
- Bible literacy book (you know what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is, right?)
- Sweatshirt
- Huge Peanuts 60 anniversary book, and soon a new backpack
- Gravity ball that supposedly looks like its floating with certain tricks. I'll watch the DvD with it and get the hang of that tomorrow
I also have a few more from my grandma which I'm waiting to open tonight (dad gets home later from a party) which I'm pretty sure are comic books, hehe.
New Years resolutions...
- Cut down the tweeting a little
- Spider Golem pet ('nuff said)
- All furniture for my MB house acquired
- Dugan and Tarlac = Legendary
- Get to be a little more techy with computers
Writers Block at the moment on other stuff, but anyway, have a great 2011 and let it not be filled with war and disasters. 358 days till Christmas!
Happy Partying and post-holidays depression havings! (well, it happens to me, lol)