Hey everyone :) so my schedule limits me to one post a week, I'm very active on weekends but pretty much dormant on weekdays. I still have free time but parents.. yeah.. High School isn't too bad, though! And last weeks blank post had a reason, btw, and I was going to post this on Tuesday but couldn't.. oh well.

This is your main view when you try to find the door. Plus, there are 3 mazes around the house, which are a lot of fun. Had a great time :)

Tristans new look! Explorer meets Wild :P I've always liked that robe..
One thing the Marleybonians didn't think of - why didn't you invent fans??
Bing! The Duo finished the grueling Robotic-fish-infested Science Center (which would be my second-favorite area still if they still dropped Sunstone..) and are headed into the Crustacean Empire and may finish CL by Monday! Looks like my poll a while ago has its answer.
And lastly, a random pic of Sophia-Bacon. I'll try to post again on Sunday but no guarantees :P
Happy Questing!
"Give old Private Primwell a scare." haha. I like that.