Recently, I've gone back to Kensington to experience the change that was implemented in the April 2013 Update - "Kensington Park has been shortened". Okay - that limits the nostalgia a bit, but hey, it is shorter, right?! But just how short? Let's see...
Kensington Park is rarely noted as a prime reagent spot - but you can count on getting an Ore, Scrap Iron or Stone Block in many nooks and crannies. Spots with a nice mix of reagents usually reside behind one of the six bosses in this dungeon. In fact, I've got something related to this near the end of this post...
A couple more pieces to my assorted Hydrant and Pew collection.
Going through time and time again, I've memorized these lines, but Gyro's accent is still funny as ever.
Next up was the ramp to Stoker's. Also a perfect opportunity for an image recreation.
...and Then (December, 2010)
I haven't really changed besides wand and image quality, really. Level 60 was still the Level Cap then (50 just a couple months before!)
I've still got my "HOUSING ITEM OF THE DAY!" set up in my pleasant abode, too - including the Dog House and Potion Motion still inside.
Well, there's that, and my fabulous music box.
Moving on, though. I haven't played Potion Motion in years..
Now we get to the shortened part, as the update said - if memory recalls, there were 3-4 levels of golem and spider clockworks to beat between Stoker #1 and Stoker #2. Since April, those levels have been removed, thus shortening the dungeon (remind anyone of the Counterweights?). With that, Mr. Waggs above quote is technically incorrect. "Lots of help from other malfunctioning clockworks"? Yeah, right :P
My only qualm with the update is that the notorious (well, to me) Metal Head minion has gone extinct. It is no more - gone to meets it maker (Stoker?). This minion occupied a floor or two of the old Kensington Park, welcoming anyone who entered with the feared words...
"You like music? Well, come on and dance to some Heavy Metal, Wizard."
Metal Head, I'll miss messing up your programming features, over and over again.
But, away from the unnecessary nostalgic feelings, Stoker #2 follows immediately after Stoker #1 now! Yay!
I failed to take notice of my health several times (there aren't any health wisps, as always :P), but a very well-timed critical frog saved my bacon. Thank you, my gross, fat friend.
Nothing redemptive. Some things haven't changed.
You can always count on four pieces of scrap iron lying around beyond Stoker #2. As far as I know, that's the best place for Scrap Iron in the Spiral. It's lying at the end of a high-scale 6-boss dungeon, but hey, it's sort of worth it.
Now we come to the good part of the post - I didn't just do one run of KP!
I had an idea - what if I added up the average gold totals to gauge the average amount you could make per run?
I did 10-15 runs, but I miss-categorized or forgot to note my change in gold a few times (delta-gold total if you will).
So, I have five totals. I guess the sample is representative enough for Kensington Park.
Gold Totals per run (including Quest gold):
Run #1: (8,191) -> Snacks: 5 -> +1000
Run #2: (9,562) -> Snacks: 7 -> +1400
Run #3: (8,069) -> Snacks: 6 -> +1200
Run #4: (7,987) -> Snacks: 4 -> +800
Run #5: (6,939) -> Snacks: 1 -> +200
Average Gold Per Run:
~8150 (Snacks: ~5)
Average Gold Per Run:
~8150 (Snacks: ~5)
(I added the cheap Rank 4 snacks and their value - they aren't included in the original totals, as I personally don't sell snacks above Rank 3.)
Last but definitely not least, my proudest accomplishment of this post---
A good old-fashioned Reagent Map!
Yep. Good MS Paint work, if I do say so myself.
Also, yes, there is a set number of the reagents you will run into (if you look well enough) while doing a full run. That's 19 total reagents!
Welp, nice to visit old dungeons again. See you again some other year, Kensington.

That was a weird convolution of memories and thought, but I am personally looking forward to what Stephen and his crew have up their sleeves. Let the good times go on.
Happy Questing!
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