Avalon is out, which means.. a post every day! For a little while, at least.
I would of started the series of posts yesterday but I dislocated my knee.. not pretty.
To put the Avalon Test Realm into perspective, it took 23 days to get from TR-LR, whereas it took 19 days for CL a year and a half ago - the announcement of P101 was likely a factor. Though it was a tough wait, it doesn't matter much. I can tell you, I was excited last Wednesday (and still am)!
First off, defeat of a Jade Oni is required to get into Avalon. You know AV is going to be pretty darn tough when the first boss has 11,000 health - much tougher than Malistaire.
And here we go into the whole 'Council of Light' thing. Confusing. |
Like THAT will help........ |
First glimpse of Avalon: A pretty, somewhat primitive place that reminds one of Alice in Wonderland. |
Oh look, more anthropomorphic dogs!
Though it wasn't Myth Wyrm (aka Basilisk) on Fire Wyrm, Medusa did the trick. |
...Okay, I don't even want to know what happened to the person in the armor.. |
Tonight---the ferret DIES. Or badger, possum, whatever. |
My stormy goodness, Panteras are SO CUTE. Level 88 spell idea, pllleaaaassse? |
..This guy, on the other hand - yeah, I don't want him in my spellbook. |
Part mammoth, part ram, part unexplained extra-terrestrial being here. |
I'll take the badge, but not an 'arrow to the face', thanks. |
I love how high some of these staircases go. |
Beatles album for a street name? I'll take it! |
It is pretty dull, however - imagine the Beatles crossing the road here. Not the same effect. |
Cool library-ish place, though! Francis Lux also gives a training-point quest.
That about does it for the first part of Avalon. Caer Lyon comes next, continuing the whole 'look-for-important-sword-end-up-doing-other-people-favors-cycle'. It gets pretty maddening by the time you finish The Wild.
Happy Questing! |