Accidently forgot to harvest my Elder Giving Tree till yesterday, but those are some awesome rewards.

And, the Houser's dream --- 50 new pieces of furniture, and thats not the end of it. CAN'T WAIT! Now, if it will only hurry..
Yeah, I could've posted more, but I'm a little short on time. I'm going to my Grandmas and the Outer Banks of North Carolina for 10 days, but I might bring my Computer to check on my plants and see the House-a-Palooza (release it in the next 2 hours, pleeez?). So, I'll be back to posting in a week and a half! Hope I have some fun and don't go totally MIA (although, I will be mostly). Oh, and good luck to those going back to school.. (2 1/2 weeks for me! And I had a weird dream about it last night). Kinda worried obviously, and I still have to do that Summer Reading stuffz. Just hope High School doesn't make me too busy.
Lastly, I NEED that Samoorai pet. Totally.
And, *cue fan squees*
Can't wait for that either! Have a good middle-of-August, everyone :)
Happy Questing!
Tintin is a funny name...