Sophia has a lot to show off after this past week, getting to Jotun & the Labyrinth.

Creepy Webwood Crawlers, and the Grendels worst enemy

The Grendel originally shown was lying on the ground for 10 seconds, glitchy, but I snapped this right when he got up so I figured I'd zoom in on Sophia's ninja skills instead :P

Dragonspyre version of 'SEAHORSE SAYS HI' in newly decked-out 45 gear :D

Looking into one of the Dragonspyrian Towers abyss (*dramatic music*)...

... and survivng a dramatic battle full of fizzled Blizzards. Defeat of Orin was a little too close..
So, I finished the Labyrinth last night and am now at the Pyromancer's Tomb (then another run of the 'Rinth for Obsidian Chest :/). Just reached LvL 47, so next post, I'll most likely have Frost Giant! YAY! In GH, I'm just waiting for a friend to reach Jotun then do Ravenscar (and duel-box WT w/Arlen when that comes out, hopefully) but again, have plenty DS-questing to do in the meantime.
In the upcoming Podcast News, we've narrowed down the details to Saturday at 2 or 8:30 PM EST (I'm for 2, but most want 8:30. What can I say? Daytime Podcast would be cool :P) and names: Lunch with Lounge Wizards (if at 2) or Loungin' with Lounge Wizards xD. Some problems too between hosts but hopefully that will be sorted out as well. Plus as everyone knows, bin Laden is finally down. I'm not really for the Death Penalty, but if they had captured him alive, it would have been much more costly/problematic for where to put him on trial, etc. and he was apparently using one of his own wives as a human shield, and wouldn't surrender, so, I guess he didn't give anyone the chance to forgive him. But thats a whole nother story between religion & politics which I don't want to get into. But the Smart Allec Wiz made a great poem about the whole thing, and as Blaze Stormthief put it, "the worlds worst Gobbler is dead". Thats, well, it! :P We should have the Podcast's details all set up by my next post.
Happy Questing!
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Have a splendiferous day! :)