This place, epic as it is, has to be the area on the farthest reaches of the game. To get here from the Baobab, you need to:
- Go to Baobab Market, walk to dock, sail boat to Stone Town
- Take short walk to other end of Stone Town, board boat to Waterfront
- Step over, board boat to Drum Jungle
- Take walk to other end of Drum Jungle, avoid many gorillas, enter Elephant Graveyard

I say "pretty much" because, yes, there's still spiders. Ick.

All else, its really cool. Grave-markings with epic swirls, check.

Bath time? Really?

Hopefully its jacuzzi-temperature :P

Its not easy being green, right? (Sorry, I just watched The Muppets :P)

Eerie dead bustling graveyard square, anyone?

Kinda looks like a yoga room for the deceased.

:D that doesn't mean anything though, ZF isn't over yet!

Drums that look like cheese-crackers. Yay.

I can has jewelry?


Morganthe+Glowing Sickle=o:

Talk about cute elephants :3

Not a good sign..

Kinda strange an elephant with a huge nose and some blue candles take me to an ominous lake. Then again, its Zafaria.


Since when did we go back to Celestia?

I have a more important question--how the heck are you living under here?

Even the Basilisk is struggling to breathe, but still has enough power to kill a zebra who wants to be a lion anyways.

Learned what Morganthe does the hard way :P

Add the zebra to the pedestals - he's sleeping with the fishies.

What person would build bug statues underwater?

Looks like she's the answer.. this can't end well.

*witty caption needed*

Anyone notice the land is sculpted like Falmea's hair? Hmm..

Hard to see, but a friends final Efreet hit ^.^

Great, still not done yet, and the lake's been drained *eyeroll*

Still looks pretty epic though, discounting the bug-statues come alive. Ick.

Aw, c'mon, Morganthe chickened out of a battle again -.-

Repeat yourself much?

This is what makes a dungeon worth the battling. Awesome. Just from one battle with some storm spiders (loot>ick factor)

Next world>HW from Cyrus Drake. Pleeeease?
And, thus endeth Zafaria. Disadvantages being the excessive minion-battling (pretty ironic, Tarlac's finishing the dreaded Savannah Fire Lion-Ravager quest as I write this), but overall definitely worth the not-so-long wait :P. Maybe it will take a year again before the next one, we'll see.. maybe before my birthday even? Good blog-poll material.
Anyways, future plans time!
-Do ZF on Tarlac
-Keep gardening, maybe pet train, housing, etc.
Soon as I get the Super Bundle (Christmas hopefully :P), the Hornocerous should really help with dual-boxing, so..
-Quest Death duo (in Grand Arena, KT) some, do ZF on Mycin/Sophia (Storm/Ice should be cool to deal with)
Well, my blog posts will probably go down a bit now that ZF is done, and I have to go, but I'll post something next Saturday or Sunday :)
Happy Adventuring!
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