"Friend’s not here with his Spritely pet, so I’m lookin’ around, switchin’ realms, but no one’s there…
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!”, “WHEEEE!”
A man with a Sandman comes strolling in, offering, “would you hatch with me?”
Not having one myself, I’m ecstatic at the suggestion,
So when it doesn’t cost as much as I thought, I question..
But, seeing a Sandman with a pedigree of 70,
Is enough to randomly have some tea,
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!”, “WHEEEE!”
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!”, “WHEEEE!”
Training it up, getting Spritely,
I’m so happy my face is shining brightly,
And then, it gets Spell-Proof.
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!, “WHEEEE!”
And when it gets Spell-Defy,
I believe I CAN FLY!
Going around in the Commons,
So happy with my perfect pet, I’m all grins..
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!, “WHEEEE!”
So, I’m runnin’ around in the Hatcherry, going “WHEEEE!, “WHEEEE!”
But wait..
Is that a Jade Onee?" ------------

Thats a random song/poem I made up from a random tweet with the
"WHEE!" line from someone. LOL. Whatever background sound is best for you, feel free to sing it :P (scary.. am I watching too much
Weird Al?)
So, about that hatching picture, I'm close to 3/4 completion of a perfect Boss pet! Currently training a Fierce Hound on Sophia, got Spell-Proof at Teen, and will be Adult first thing tomorrow, with, very likely, Spritely or Feinting. And 50/50 it'll end up as an Ancient Feinting, Proof & Spritely pet :D. Though, as I've said my last want talent is 'May Cast Tower Shield'. Thats a rare one. Blech. I've got a friend with the many of the only pet with the talent, Vigilant Dragon, who may train some up soon, though. So, I'm getting there :). The Pale Maiden was from a hatch with a Central Member who had Feinting on it, plus I now have one for my DS House, lol.
In Housing, I got the Headmaster Statue after a little bit, but have zero luck with Labyrinth Statues atm. I've gotten several Kraken Statues over time from the Silver Sentinel in the past, so there might be one in a bank somewhere. The main enemy is that loose Storm Boss (it'll come to me.. not the.. gah, WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?) but anyway, he drops the Wyrmkin Statue. I've seen plenty of people with it, but I've fought him uncountable times and nada. JUST ONE, I ASK! Hopefully I'll have that luck tomorrow. But its just one item, sir annoying Storm Boss who I always forget the name and often forgets my Storm Prisms. A little to do with Housing, I'm making a little Gardening comeback, as I made 2 big plots of Prickly Bears for Mycin and am planning, just need to follow through, on a King Parsley garden on Arlen. Well, that DS Farming isn't a total waste. At least I don't have to craft anything for a while, except those Jade Chairs, right?
"Crafting is so stressing,
(Worse than bad French Dressing!)
So instead of working on that Mannequin,
I’d rather buy some Fish Fins
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Celestial Observatory?
Sunstones, you say?
Fire Blossoms are a pain,
Its too lame..
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Golden Pearls are so rare,
Grendelweed won’t appear,
And that’s not even the start of what to fear.
Aquamarine, Diamond, Lotus, Fossil?
They’re so docile, but I just want to swear…
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Sometimes I feel like throwing my reagents in the air
(and I just don’t care..)
Oh wait, I have all the requirements for a Mannequin?
Crafting, is win!"
I borrowed a little line from an annoying modern song. Hey, maybe I can make a "Hatched This Way" parody next. And feel lucky I didn't include my Bee Gees cross-over to Questing song in this post. (
Wait, you don't know who the Bee Gees are? -.-)
Happy Farming!
There is no such thing as too much Weird Al.