Guards knock down 10K a week guarding this expensive Estate. I should just pay in advance.

Sadly, the Driller is having breakdown problems. Mr. Man E. Quinn is such a slow worker.

The huge Protector oughta scare off any prowlers :)

A rendition of a Soldier's Memorial with Poppies (Tiger Lillies, technically) around it

Play area. *WARNING: Do not go near Furnace
A small private Chapel for Sundays :D
Hmm, well, this is a Dining/Office/Guest/Living Room. I know, I wish I had another room for some of this, but its lovely as is.
Would you like some Tea? Maybe Punch?
Guest plus Relaxing area, lol.
Rootbeer Cellar/Warehouse. Its pretty crowded, the Janitor keeps fussing. Oh, and beware of the White Rat down there, I'm suspicious he's cooking something up. I keep seeing Tower Plans down here.
My bedroom, note the futuristic bookshelf -farleft- and Gomez memorabilia. I just have it since it could be rare someday, k? And lots of Toy Trains! :P
Park to chill, maybe read a book in.
Lilly/Lotus Greenhouse
The Crane malfunctioned too. This place used to be a Prison, so I'm still trying to get the several remaining Cells out of this Estate. *sigh* Stupid contractors... *grumble*

They even spend the night here. Water Pumps provide the Tap, but the Workers like swimming. Thinking of slashing their pay >_<.
So, thats it, excepting one darn Cello. You WILL be mine one day!
So, thats it, excepting one darn Cello. You WILL be mine one day!
In other news, Mycin spent a few hours in chase of this little Piggy who got swine-napped by the Jade Oni.
Good times with Icy and Co. -Seems the Big Ben Clock froze, and the usual Workers just are afraid of the "ghosts" and mysterious "clanking noises." Rumor had it that a bald cat with a bad past took its place up here too. We took care of that.

Me and the Smart Allec Wiz had a serious chat about Squirrels and Scientists making Bacon Soda. Oh, and I managed to solo Astraeus for the 1st time too. :P
Jacques is giving me French lessons as part of his Community Service part of his sentence for scratchings, and I've got a few more Sunstones and Gold to collect, so I'll drive off now.

Didn't you know there was a spell that lets your head drive the car? Happy Farming!
Very very Nicely done :)