1st: Active Necro
2nd: Isaac Stormflame (@aspCEO)
3rd: Jennifer Dreamsinger (@AwesomeBlizzard)
4: Stormzilla
5: Jenna Unicorndreamer (@JennaUnicornWiz)
6: Jasmine Smith (@EliteWizard)
7: SmartAllecWiz
I believe everyone except Stormzilla is on my friends list (shoot me an e-mail or DM for a TFC if you'd like!) so, I'll give everyone their prizes in due time. If you don't have much time as of late in-game and you know when you're going to be on, e-mail me at least 2 days beforehand if possible so as not to keep a wizard waiting for their prize. As I can't be on as much either until the 16th, I'll stop by on Arlen from time to time to see who's online and can claim their cards. (on Mycin a bit lately, finishing up 2 Houses, so :)). Lastly, the cards you will receive are on the May 29th post, as I believe you guys know. Congrats to the winners!
In other Wizard101 News, and, as I'm sure you know, is the Pet-a-Palooza! I'm not going to buy any of the pets, as you can get them through hatching with someone else too of course, but I just found out a couple other cool things! First, for just THIS month, you can win extra prizes, which include PETS! Even an Ianthine Spectre, should you be lucky & good enough ;). "Bonus Items" include Snacks from Rank 2 to Mega (received 2 Dragonhorned Melon from Doodle Dug at 20k scores), and Energy Elixirs. Read about it HERE. Quite a few have won some of the lowers, Death Scarabs and such. I want a Storm Beetle (very very old promo pet, I sold mine I think D:) and/or FOG Unicorn & Stormbat personally. No luck on those yet :). And, possibly even better, "there will be new pets released throughout the month of June". Can you spot 2 new ones in their commercial?

Well anyways, Ice Scarab & Patriotic Leprechaun pets were spotted here! I'm pretty sure the Leprechaun will be in the new 4th of July vendor that Kingsisle hinted a while ago, and Ice Scarab, Crowns/Drop or both, maybe another promo? We'll see :). And thats probably the beginning. Woot! Is hoping..
For my Characters, I've managed to get some things done, like checking every night on my Garden for one ;P

King Parsley is apparently hanging on to his blue suede shoes and is afraid to go Elder. LOL, I'll harvest the stubborn fellow tonight :P

Handshake ^_^. I just need to craft 2 Warrior Statues around the PvP Ring & I may be done with the outside. Maybe, as in, still have trouble thinking of what to put out there as its still pretty bare :P. For the inside, I just need 2 Moon Icons and a Celestian Fern. 5 not-so-hard items! :D next post might just be my showcase of the CL Observatory. For MS House, I got 2 items closer to finishing, 1 Wild Bamboo & a Dark Green Silk Kimono. About the Kimono, I farmed Fushiko once for 3 hours, got one thing I needed, but never got the Kimono (it was technically a rumor then that it dropped from Fushiko, photo-proof was shown on Central just recently) and I found it in the Bazaar, was about as surprised and happy as getting that Gear Rack & Bodkin of the Hearty (is it just me, or am I learning about a lot of new items recently?! :P). To finish off, I need:
-2 Moon Icons
-2 Celestian Warrior Statues (crafted)
-1 Celestian Fern
-1 Mooshu Sarcophagus (whats the plural, Sarcophagi?)
-1 Wu Picture
-10(??) Jade Chairs (crafted)
to complete 2 Houses. Ah, checklists..
Happy Housing!
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