Yea, from the Death Oni! What are the chances? I didn't even want them anyway... I:. Wish some other lucky wizard had gotten them instead of me, a grandmaster. Oh well, it's still really neat when you get Crowns items from bosses :). For example from the Karuvian Scargiver, Plaza of Conquests, I got the Ring of the Rose and from the Gurtok Demon, the Band of Aid, both crowns rings. I gave them to other characters ;). Plus I did get 1 little pet today-the Snow serpent from Prince Gobbler :D. Also here's a random pic from my Drake Hatchery secret hideout ( see older post, you can walk through walls here ! )

Plus, I was invisible when I was near the edge xD. Here's a quick shot to show how glitchy it is sometimes back there. Someone's lion who's fur and things are off and I have a haircut :). Also some really great view of the sky and the volcano back there, check it out sometime! Not much more from the Spiral today but IRL New Zealand "upset" the defending champs Italy 1-1. It was a draw but they kept saying the word upset which it kinda was :). Great game N.Z., you deserved it! Wow, an Oceania team advancing into the next round besides Australia might happen... Time to do some minigames then off to bed a little earlier. Got a weekly Track camp in the morning for the next week so I can't just come in the mornings but it won't make much of a difference on my playing w101 time, I slept in a lot before anyway :D. Sooooooo Happy Farming!
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