Snowcrusher, my latest victim...

New look! And, I have every single piece of my GM Gear :)
Trimmed White, since it looks coolest IMO and I have an ITS friend who looks the exact same...
And check out Lord Smokey, just hatched!

I feel awkwardly obese... and POWERFUL! Maybe it's just when I'm riding my broom on Dugan, it looks like it's going to break under the weight.
So, I'll be in the Forum finishing up DS tomorrow. And I'm making a new account! Pictures coming soon... My mom finally agreed to make a wizard, so look for Amy Dreamweaver in Unicorn Way any day now! ( Last name comes from this song she's always humming ) and I plan to even add a few girl wizards of my own, maybe right off my own characters, yikes, they could have sisters! It will be a FTP ( Free to play ) account for now, maybe I'll sign up for a family account sometime and it will be the start of something new :). Look for the sisters next blog post. That's my news for now, Happy Farming!
P.S. If the words are in funny places, just excuse that cause I'm having a screenshot problem with these blogs
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Have a splendiferous day! :)